Thursday, January 7, 2010

Live Rock is Curing

It looks like the live rock is curing; we now have a light dusting of diatom algae on the sand. When organisms on the rock die off they leave nutrients that feeds diatom algae. It also feeds off of the silica in the salt mixture.

We're going to get a "clean-up crew" of hermit crabs and snails. Adding them to the tank will also start the water cycling process, as their waste will start the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate cycle. So far we haven't started that cycle, and are reading a zero for all, because much of the live rock was already cured.

But first we need to get the low calcium problem fixed. Apparently the B-ionic 2 part solution we used is not very strong and is meant more for maintaining a tank that already has a high level of calcium by adding the bit that's taken up by the invertebrates and corals in the tank. We need a much more stronger shot, but that would be expensive with the pre-mixed 2 part solution, because it would take so much. Instead we got some powdered calcium supplement that will bring it up to the desired level (400 - 500 ppm) faster. After that we can use the B-ionic solution to maintain the calcium and alkalinity level, but I see that getting expensive once we have to buy more. Instead, once we use up what we've already bought, we'll use the powdered supplements and mix them with water to make our own solution. It will make a lot and last much longer than the pre-mixed solutions.

We also have a bit of a salinity issue. Our hydrometer is reading 1.024 or 1.025, which is where it should be, but when I brought a water sample into the store (where I bought the calcium supplement), they measured it at 1.020, which is too low. That's also why our calcium is a little low, because there is a bit in the salt mixture. However, we are working on getting that up too, along with the calcium level. Once they are at the right levels, we'll add the snails and hermit crabs, hopefully by tomorrow. The guy at the store also offered to calibrate our hydrometer, so I'm taking that in with me when I go to get the crabs and snails.

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